Margarita Köhl
Currently Margarita Koehl is a research assistant at the Department of Communication, University of Vienna. In her PhD project she investigates the role emotions play within the process of technology appropriation and use from a trans-cultural perspective.
From 2011 to 2013 she worked as a representative of the Austrian Agency for International Cooperation in Education and Research (OeAD) incvKaohsiung, Taiwan. She was also visiting researcher at Dokkyo University, Tokyo and Silpakorn University, Bangkok.
Her main research areas are: trans-cultural research, science and technology studies, affect studies. As a curator and cultural manager she was involved in international projects at the interface between art and science. Her focus as a radio journalist (Ö1/ORF - science department) is directed towards the interplay of technology, society and culture.
She holds a master`s degree in art history, communication studies and Japanese Studies. She is also holding a postgraduate diploma (Master of Advanced Studies) in arts and cultural management.

Amro Contributions
Year | Title | Format |
2011 | Plutonian Striptease: “Terrorist Tamagotchi” Data, money and how it feels to become a terrorist | Lecture |